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Brazilian Precision Agriculture Research Network
1J. D. Naime, 2L. R. Queiros, 3A. V. Resende, 4M. D. Vilela, 5L. H. Bassoi, 6N. B. Perez, 7A. C. Bernardi, 1R. Y. Inamasu
1. Embrapa Instrumentacao
2. Embrapa Informatica Agropecuaria
3. Embrapa Milho e Sorgo
4. Embrapa Cerrados
5. Embrapa Semiarido
6. Embrapa Pecuaria Sul
7. Embrapa Pecuaria Sudeste
The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agriculture is the way to decisively contribute with efficient production with environment protection in Brazil. Based on this, recently Embrapa established the Brazilian Precision Agriculture Research Network, with the objective of knowledge generation, tools and technologies development to enhance the agricultural production systems, and to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of Brazilian agribusiness. The project is composed by 214 researchers, 19 research centers, 15 experimental fields, comprising four Brazilian ecosystems and the soybean, maize, wheat, rice, cotton, pasture, eucalyptus, pines, grapes, peach, orange and sugar cane crops. All research areas are being mapped for soil fertility and electrical conductivity, elevation, remote sensing and yield and the results are stored in an online data bank. Several knowledge areas are integrated for optimization of financial resources and results. Research, development and innovation will be focused on those crops responses to PA, as well as on the development and adaptation of tools and technologies to improve of PA. Project staff is being trained in PA concepts, tools and technologies, as geostatistical treatment of data collected and GIS. Training courses and technologies transfer for technicians and producers are being organized. Academic and extension events will support partnership between private and governmental sectors to enhance PA adoption. The PA Network is also promoting the dialogue between the agribusiness, private, public and third sector. In the near future expect results are the dissemination of the AP concepts and technologies and make AP present in the daily Brazilian agricultural activities incorporating technologies and practices for sustainable management. 
Keyword: soil electrical conductivity, data bank, pilot units, research and development, PA tools, annual crops, perennial crops, technological innovation