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DTE – A Method Which Integrates Statistical Analysis With Economic Evaluation In Large Area Of Type 23 Experiments.
1A. Imiolek, 2M. Imiolek
1. Uniwersity of Warmia and Masury in Olsztyn. Department of Digitization
2. Uniwersity of Warmia and Masury in Olsztyn. Department of Mechatronics and Technical and IT
Plant production is governed by certain, well-defined cultivation recommendations, especially important when quality standards imposed by contract agreements are to be met. Due to technical and economic conditions, a farmer is not always able to adhere to such recommendations in practice, but at the same time changes on the farm produce market (progress in plant breeding and mechanization of field work, new agrochemicals, effective microorganisms, etc) enforce producers to either change or modify a production technology. Selecting an adequate combination of agro-technical factors depends on the qualitative and quantitative parameters of a market product (yield), but the decision is also shaped by such organization of plant production which enables the farmer to minimize production costs and maximize the profit.  (Nasalski i in. 2004). Farmer who has a definite resource of land and capital must determine the minimum level of performance of working hours or efficiency per hectare. Instability of a market enforce producers to either change or modify a production technology. The yield is conditional on a large number of factors whose effects are complex and inter-modifying. Testing a number of agronomic factors is possible by using advanced experimental systems methodically type kn, which are tested at the same time n factors, each of k levels.However, to implement this, traditional plant cultivation technologies require a modification of agricultural factors or their de novo creation. The aim is to select agricultural engineering factors in the production technology which require relatively low inputs to obtain an optimal yield with accurate quality raw material parameters. In agricultural research, a production experiment is a tool used to evaluate the economic efficacy of plant production technology. Based on such a production experiment it is possible to perform: 1) a comparative analysis of technologies in which one agricultural engineering factor is described (e.g. nitrogen doses), or 2) a comparative analysis of technologies in which numerous experimental factors are described (e.g. planting density and plant protection techniques). In the first case, precise information is obtained on a factor effect, although there is a lack of information on interactive effects with other factors. In the latter case, which may be assumed to be a conventional analysis, a research methodological problem in the evaluation of economic efficiency of technologies arises because the effects of a real factor resulting from a statistical analysis are assessed independently of an economical evaluation. In relation to the analysis of results from a large area experiment set in the 23 configuration, a procedure for the evaluation of cultivation technology has been proposed and it integrates a statistical and economic approach used to assess the proportion of individual factors and their economic evaluation. The partial ex post cost account has been assumed as a basis for the economic analysis of a new production technology. In the DTE analysis (the difference of technological efficiency), the additional costs associated with a modification of a cultivation technology, additional income, marginal income and marginal revenue are determined both in relation to a new technology and to modified production factors (Go³aszewski et al. 2008). The input and efficiency of individual factors and their interactions were assessed. The efficacy of factors was determined as a contrast between the means related to a change in the level of a factor: from 1 to +1 (Mead et al. 1993, Mason et al. 2003). The Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) has specified a standard procedure for calculating a direct surplus based on a calculative cost arrangement which divides the costs into direct and indirect groups and allows for an efficiency assessment of a given technology, although it does not permit the input of individual factors. The application of a functional cost arrangement for DTE makes it possible to determine the costs of specific procedures (e.g. ploughing, sowing, fertilization). It allows not only for an evaluation of the difference of technological efficiency between a new and a traditional technology, but it also permits an identification of an individual input of tested factors and, consequently, it is possible to determine whether an increased input on a given factor by an additional 1.00 € is economically justified.
Keyword: efficiency of production technology, field experiment