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A Content Review of Precision Agriculture Courses Across the US
1D. Skouby, 1L. Schumacher, 2M. Yost, 3N. R. Kitchen
1. University of Missouri

Knowledge of what precision agriculture (PA) content is currently taught across the United States will help build a better understanding for what PA instructors should incorporate into their classes in the future. The University of Missouri partnered with several universities throughout the nation on a USDA challenge grant. Precision Agriculture faculty from 24 colleges/universities from across the U.S. shared their PA content by sharing their syllabi from 43 different courses. The syllabi were searched for key topic phrases that identified the PA subject matter that was taught. Our review of the content showed a growing need for a more standardized curriculum, emphasizing the need for a better connection between industry needs and university faculty.

Keyword: Precision agriculture, PA, precision agriculture course content, precision agriculture syllabi, GPS, site specific crop management, GIS, variable rate, remote sensing, environment, crop sensing
D. Skouby    L. Schumacher    M. Yost    N. R. Kitchen    Agricultural Education    Oral    2016