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Managing Soil Moisture on Turf Grass Using a Portable Wave Reflectometer
1D. L. Kieffer, 2T. S. O'Connor
1. Spectrum Technologies Plainfield, Illinois
2. Forest Akers Golf Course E. Lansing, Michigan

The agronomic needs of grass pose many challenges to managing irrigation on golf greens and lawns. Superintendents must keep putting greens as dry and firm as possible without allowing them to die. Commercial and residential landscapes are expected to look lush and green. But soil moisture has high spatial variability, including hot spots that can rapidly become critically low in available water. One common method of measuring soil moisture is to take core samples and assess moisture content by feel. This is time consuming, destructive, and subjective. A portable, electronic wave reflectometer uses time domain technology to give fast, accurate, and objective measurements of local soil moisture content. In general, it takes about 2 weeks to identify the desirable soil moisture ranges. Following the initial assessment, measurement tasks can be reliably assigned to an assistant or field crew. Further, irrigation audits can be performed with the soil moisture data replacing traditional catch can data. Soil moisture distribution uniformity was found to be higher than catch can uniformity. Additionally, the irrigation distribution measured with the catch cans did not mirror the distribution of soil moisture in the top 12 cm of the soil profile. If the data is geo-referenced, the variability can also be seen with the use of mapping software. 

Keyword: soil moisture, reflectometer, TDR, irrigation audit, uniformity, turf
D. L. Kieffer    T. S. O'connor    Oral    2008