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Teaching Critical Thinking Skills Using Geospatial Technology As Instructional Tools
T. A. Brase
Agricultural Science Department Kirkwood Community College Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Techniques in data collection and analysis of data are important concepts for students of precision farming. Also needed in conjunction with these concepts are critical thinking and problem solving skills. Employers often list critical thinking skills as one of the most important characteristics for new employees. Helping students experience and acquire critical thinking skills can be difficult. Geospatial technologies are not only useful precision farming tools, they are also educational tools to develop these skills. Kirkwood Community College offers two courses, Geospatial Data Collection and Agricultural Spatial Analysis, in which a primary focus is for students to experience critical thinking within a client/consultant relationship. Specifically in Geospatial Data Collection, a project based course, students are not given a project. Students must develop their own project based on a “client’s” need. Working with a client, students must discuss and clearly define issues and questions. This in turn determines data that needs to be collected. Students must think critically to develop a project that provides the data that will address the issues or answers the question. Many students have difficulty with this which presents various problems in class organization for the instructor. This presentation will review some of the techniques used in Geospatial Data Collection, examples of projects, classroom issues that an instructor might face, and a proposal to deliver this course on-line. 

Keyword: Geospatial Education, precision farming, critical thinking