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Digital Transformation of Canadian Agri-Food
K. J. Hand
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON

Agriculture in Canada is on the cusp of a dramatic revolution as a result of the digital transformation of the industry driven by the emergence of tools such as Precision Agri-Food Technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT, a network of interconnected physical devices capable of connecting to the internet). With the expected exponential growth of data from the application of innovative technologies such as IoT by the Canadian Agri-Food industry, Canada has the potential to gain valuable insights through leveraging this data using powerful tools such as data analytics. These tools can provide producers and industry stakeholders with intelligent decision support tools that will enable actionable outcomes, moving beyond current system monitoring and alerts. Ultimately, it is through data, analytics and emerging technologies that Canadian Agri-Food will be able to address current and future challenges; to identify best management practices to reduce nutrient use or antimicrobials in livestock farming or the challenges of food security and safety. Data, analytics and technology will provide insights into overall trends, insights into the overall landscape of the Canadian Agri-Food industry, allowing for governments to implement smart policies based on authentic and real-time data and support/showcase sustainable Canadian farming practices to consumers; provincially, nationally and globally. 

Keyword: precision agri-food, ICT, data ecosystem