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Evaluation of the Potential for Precision Agriculture and Soil Conservation at Farm and Watershed Scale: A Case Study
M. Khakbazan, A. Moulin, J. Huang, P. Michiels, R. Xie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Brandon Research and Development Centre

Precision agriculture and soil conservation have the potential to increase crop yield and economic return while reducing environmental impacts. Landform, spatial variability of soil processes, and temporal trends may affect crop N response and should be considered for precision agriculture. The objective of this research was to evaluate the viability of precision agriculture in improving N use efficiency and profitability at the farm and watershed level in western Canada. Two studies are described at different scales, 1) within and between producer fields, 2) and the watershed scale. In the field scale study, research was conducted with producer’s equipment in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba during 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. Seven fields were seeded to canola in 2014. Randomized fertilizer treatments (0, 50, 100 and 150% of soil test recommendations for N) with 4 replicates were located in low, average and high producing zones based on analysis of 3 to 5 years of yield maps. Preliminary results for 2014 show that variable management of N fertilizer had positive effects in some fields, but the results were not consistent. In the watershed scale study, producer survey data from the South Tobacco Creek (STC) watershed in Manitoba were assessed. A productivity index based on 11-year (2006-2016) moving average yield data for canola and wheat and climate and soil variables was used to delineate five management zones at the watershed scale. ArcGIS and Limdep (NLOGIT 4.0) Econometric Software was used to analyze the data. Preliminary results for the watershed scale study indicate that both spatial (zone) and temporal (time) variability had effects on crop productivity, but temporal variability had the greater effect. Soil conservation also had positive effects on increased wheat and canola yields and net revenues. The results of this study identified the potential for spatial management of N fertilizer in the context of temporal variability due to extremes in precipitation and temperature.

Keyword: Precision agriculture, Soil conservation, Field, Watershed, Canola, Wheat, Net revenue