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Management of an irrigated rice field by variable soil cutoff quota
1L. P. Corrêdo, 1J. J. Quirós, 1T. R. Tavares, 1M. Martello, 1L. F. Maldaner, 1L. G. Mendes, 1J. P. Molin, 2J. M. Aguero
1. University of São Paulo
2. University of Costa Rica

The management of soil micro-relief on agricultural areas can cause damages to the yield of crops to be implanted, if not carried out with the appropriate planning. The modification of the most superficial layer of the soil, a small intervention in the field, can interfere with the availability of organic matter. The management of soil micro-relief can reduce erosive processes due to surface runnoff of water and allow a better soil conservation, due to a greater efficiency of drainage and water infiltration in the soil profile. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of localized soil management (variable soil cutoff quota) in Costa Rica rice yield on an irrigated area. A georeferenced map was generated based on the relief map with the water flow lines. A tractor coupled with scraper was used to execute the leveling operation on field using the GNSS-RTK. This equipment removes or adds a sufficient soil layer to avoid water accumulation in the growing area after irrigation. The cut and hilling practices will be divided into three classes of each one (cuts greater than 20 cm, between 10 and 20 cm, less than 10 cm and hilling greater than 20 cm, between 10 and 20 cm and less than 10 cm). Using three years yield data before (2011, 2012 and 2013) and three years yield data after (2014, 2015 and 2016) of soil management, will allow us to evaluate the effects of this relief intervention of the area. The average of yield variation will be evaluated for each year and for the average of three years, before and after the intervention, for each class of cut and hilling. These results will  allow a better understanding of benefits of localized soil management  on the superficial layers according to the soil expressed by yield crop.

Keyword: Management zones, soil conservation