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Improving Active Canopy Sensor-Based In-Season N Recommendation Using Plant Height Information for Rain-Fed Maize in Northeast China
1X. Wang, 2Y. Miao, 1T. Xia, 1R. Dong, 1G. Mi, 2D. J. Mulla
1. College of Resources and Environment Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 10093, China
2. Precision Agriculture Center, Department of Soil, Water and Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul., MN, 55108, USA

The inefficient utilization of nitrogen (N) fertilizer due to leaching, volatilization and denitrification has resulted in environmental pollution in rain-fed maize production in Northeast China. Active canopy sensor-based in-season N application has been proven effective to meet maize N requirement in space and time. The objective of this research was to evaluate the feasibility of using active canopy sensor for guiding in in-season N fertilizer recommendation for rain-fed maize in Northeast China and determine if the plant height information could be used to further improve the accuracy of in-season N recommendation. Nitrogen response trials were conducted in four growing seasons with four planting densities. Split plot treatments included six N application rates (0, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 300 kg ha-1) at each year-density with three replications. One third of the N was applied as basal fertilizer, and the rest as side-dressing at V8-V9 stage of spring maize. The GreenSeeker active canopy sensor was used at the 8-9 leaf growth stage (V8–V9) to collect the vegetation index (NDVI), which was used with the N fertilizer optimum algorithm (NFOA) to calculate in-season N fertilizer side-dressing rates. Plant height and yield were obtained at V8–V9 and harvest stage respectively. The results showed that both NDVI and NDVI*Height could predict the yield potential accurately. The NFOA recommended higher side-dressing N rates using NDVI*Height than NDVI. The average total N rate based on NDVI*Height-NFOA recommendation was closer to economically optimum N rate than based on NDVI-NFOA. It is concluded that using plant height information together with GreenSeeker NDVI can  improve the accuracy in N recommendations for rain-fed maize in Northeast China than only using NDVI.

Keyword: Rain-fed maize, Economically optimum N rate, Active canopy sensor, plant height, Precision nitrogen management
X. Wang    Y. Miao    T. Xia    R. Dong    G. Mi    D. J. Mulla    In-Season Nitrogen Management    Oral    2018