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Effect of Composts Prepared from Municipal Solid Waste in the Agrochemical Properties of Serosem Soils of Uzbekistan
1S. Kholikulov, 2S. Pardaev
1. Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Mirzo Ulugbek, 77, Samarkand, 140103, Uzbekistan
2. Department of soil science and ecology, Samarkand state university, University blvd 15, Samarkand, 140104 Uzbekistan

Optimizing soil fertility and agro-chemical soil properties are currently of great importance, since the content of humus and nutrients from year to year decreases. The reason for decline of soil fertility is the lack of organic fertilizers and use of crop rotation involving leguminous perennial herb. On the other hand a source of organic fertilizer can be municipal solid waste. Currently in the cities of Uzbekistan accumulated huge amount of solid waste whose disposal is an environmental necessity (Alikhanov , 2003; Kholikulov and Pardaev, 2003). In this regard, great importance is the disposal of household waste from organic urban agriculture and provide organic fertilizer.

Keyword: City hard domestic waste, serozem soil, humus, fertilizers, mineral, organic, soil type, cotton