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Aguilera, A.P
Abdollahi, J.M
Amakor, X
Attanayake, A.U
Adesope, M.O
Ali, A
Al-Hinai, K
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Arzani, H.P
Azimi, M.S
Kaboli, S.D
Mirdavodi, H.M
Borhani, M.M
Abdollahi, J.M
Farahpour, M.D
Asiabaka, C.C
Adesope, M.O
Ifeanyi- Obi, C.C
Nwakwasi, R.N
Nnadi, F
Matthews- Njoku, E.C
Chikaire, J
Amakor, X
Jacobson, A.R
Cardon, G.E
Hawks, A
Barnes, W
Jayasuriya, H.P
Al-Wardy, M
Al-Adawi, S
Al-Hinai, K
Passalaqua, B.P
Molin, J
Salvi, J
Aguilera, A.P
Allegro, G
Martelli, R
Valentini, G
Pastore, C
Mazzoleni, R
Pezzi, F
Filippetti, I
Ali, A
Attanayake, A.U
Johnson, E.U
Duddu, H.U
Shirtliffe, S.U
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Conservation Management
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Horticulture
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Calibration In Semiarid Soils: Ion-pair Correction

The electromagnetic induction sensor (EM38DD) is a field proven portable sensor for rapid measurement of the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of soils. Calibration with the electrical conductivity of saturation paste extracts is the most widely used method to correlate ECa with the effective electrical conductivity (ECe). A drawback of this method is the formation of ion pairs in the high ionic strength saturated paste extracts, which effectively decreases the measured ECe, leading to the... X. Amakor, A.R. Jacobson, G.E. Cardon, A. Hawks, W. Barnes

2. Application of RS, GPS & GIS in a National Monitoring System for Accurate Range Assessment

Sustainable use of rangelands requires information on vegetation cover and its changes through time, condition trend and the effect of climate as well as management practices. The main objective of this research was showing variation of vegetation parameters,... H.P. Arzani, M.S. Azimi, S.D. kaboli, H.M. mirdavodi, M.M. Borhani, J.M. Abdollahi, M.D. farahpour

3. Enhancing Farmers' Indigenous Knowledge Management in Cassava Varietal Trial Using Agro Ecosystem Analysis, Farmers' Drama Group and Animations in Eastern part of Nigeria.

Researchers continue to come up with new varieties but farmer perspectives and preferences are very important factors for new varieties to spread in farmers’ communities. Researcher priorities alone are not enough. A variety may be ‘scientifically perfect... C.C. Asiabaka, M.O. Adesope, C.C. Ifeanyi- obi, R.N. Nwakwasi, F. Nnadi, E.C. Matthews- njoku, J. Chikaire

4. GIS Mapping of Soil Compaction and Moisture Distribution for Precision Tillage and Irrigation Management

Soil compaction is one of the forms of physical change of soil structure which has positive and negative effects, in agriculture considered to make soil degradation. The undisciplined use of heavy load traffic or machinery in modern agriculture causes substantial soil compaction, counteracted by soil tillage that loosens the soil. Higher soil bulk densities affect resistance to root penetration, soil pore volume and permeability to air, and thus, finally the pore space habitable... H.P. Jayasuriya, M. Al-wardy, S. Al-adawi, K. Al-hinai

5. Misalignment Between Sugar Cane Transshipment Trailers and Tractor

Sugarcane production system is dependent on a continuous cutting and regrowth of cane plants from their roots, on which traffic should be avoided to ensure the physiological integrity of regrowth and productivity.  This need for accuracy in sugarcane machine traffic boosted the adoption of automated steering systems, especially on harvesters. Tractors with the transshipment trailers, which continually accompany the harvesters in the field, yet do not adopt it or use technology with lower... B.P. Passalaqua, J. Molin, J. Salvi, A.P. Aguilera

6. Variable Rate Fertilization in a High-yielding Vineyard of Cv. Trebbiano Romagnolo May Reduce Nitrogen Application and Vigour Variability Without Loss of Crop Load

The site-specific management of vineyard cultural practices may reduce the spatial variability of vine vigor, contributing to achieve the desired yield and grape composition. In this framework, variable rate fertilization may effectively contribute to reduce the different availability of mineral nutrients between different areas of the vineyard, and so achieving the vine’s aforementioned performances. The present study was aimed to apply a variable rate fertilization in a high-yielding... G. Allegro, R. Martelli, G. Valentini, C. Pastore, R. Mazzoleni, F. Pezzi, I. Filippetti, A. Ali

7. Modulated On-farm Response Surface Experiments with Image-based High Throughput Techniques for Evidence-based Precision Agronomy

Agronomic research is vital to determining optimum inputs for crops to perform profitably at a local scale. However, the small-plot experiment validity is often uncertain due to on-farm variations. Furthermore, the likelihood of conducting a fully randomized trial at a local farm is low given various practical and technical challenges. We propose a new methodology with many inputs to allow for a response surface that fits the yield response to the input levels with higher accuracy to make on-farm... A.U. Attanayake, E.U. Johnson, H.U. Duddu, S.U. Shirtliffe