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Acosta, L.E
Akune, V.S
Ameglio, L
Alwabel, M.I
Azimi, M.S
Ahmed, M
Abdelghafour, F.Y
Abonyi, J
Anderson, S.H
Aldridge, K
Attanayake, A
Adkins, J
Auer, W
Aliabadi Farahani, H
Allphin, E
Anderson, L
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Alwabel, M.I
Alsheri, S.A
Alomran, A.M
Arzani, H.P
Azimi, M.S
Kaboli, S.D
Mirdavodi, H.M
Borhani, M.M
Abdollahi, J.M
Farahpour, M.D
Aliabadi Farahani, H
Sani, B
Acosta, L.E
Jara, L.A
Ortega, R.A
Allphin, E
Kitchen, N.R
Suddeth, K.A
Thompson, A
White, S
Adkins, J
Whaley, C
Thompson, A
Boardman, D.L
Kitchen, N
Allphin, E
Souza, W.J
Akune, V.S
Benez, S.H
Citon, L.C
Nakazawa, P.H
Santana Neto, A.J
Souza, W.J
Benez, S.H
Nakazawa, P.H
Santana Neto, A.J
Citon, L.C
Akune, V.S
Abdelghafour, F.Y
Rosu, R
Keresztes, B
Germain, C
Da Costa, J
Roland, L
Lidauer, L
Sattlecker, G
Kickinger, F
Auer, W
Sturm, V
Efrosinin, D
Drillich, M
Iwersen, M
Berger, A
Iwersen, M
Reiter, S
Schweinzer, V
Kickinger, F
Öhlschuster, M
Lidauer, L
Auer, W
Drillich, M
Berger, A
Krieger, S
Oczak, M
Lidauer, L
Kickinger, F
Öhlschuster, M
Auer, W
Drillich, M
Iwersen, M
Berger, A
Schweinzer, V
Lidauer, L
Kickinger, F
Öhlschuster, M
Auer, W
Drillich, M
Iwersen, M
Berger, A
Sisák, I
Benő, A
Szabó, K
Kocsis, M
Abonyi, J
Ameglio, L
Darrozes, J
Dreyer, J
Ameglio, L
Jayasuriya, H
Al-Busaidi, A
Ahmed, M
Caron, J
Anderson, L
Sauvageau, G
Gendron, L
Dreyer, J.G
Ameglio, L
Ameglio, L
Stettler, E
Eberle, D
Ha, T
Aldridge, K
Johnson, E
Shirtliffe, S.J
Ryu, S
Krys, K
Shirtliffe, S
Duddu, H
Ha, T
Attanayake, A
Johnson, E
Andvaag, E
Stavness, I
Conway, L.S
Vong, C
Kitchen, N.R
Sudduth, K.A
Anderson, S.H
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Crop Protection
Precision Horticulture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Decision Support Systems
Precision Horticulture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
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Filter results24 paper(s) found.

1. Nitrogen Loss In Corn Production Varies As A Function Of Topsoil Depth

  Understanding availability and loss potential of nitrogen for varying topsoil depths of poorly-drained claypan soil landscapes could help producers make improve decisions when managing crops for feed grain or bio-fuels.  While it has been well documented that topsoil depth on these soils plays an important role in storing water for crop growth, it is not well known how this same soil... E. Allphin, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Suddeth, A. Thompson

2. Precision Irrigation To Improve Water Use Efficiency

  Efficient water use is the key to sustainable management of water resources.  Over irrigating is wasteful and can lead to leaching of fertilizers and other potential pollutants into both underground and surface water supplies, whereas under irrigation leads to reduced yields.  The spatial and temporal characterization of crop water consumption is important for efficient management of water resources and allows water delivery to match agricultural demands.   Research... S. White, J. Adkins, C. Whaley

3. Long Term Effects of Irrigation with Sewage Effluent on Some Soil Properties

In the arid and semiarid regions, the use of treated sewage water increases as an alternative for non-renewable resources in irrigation. The objective of this research is to identify the effect of irrigation with sewage effluent and well water for long... M.I. Alwabel, S.A. Alsheri, A.M. Alomran

4. Application of RS, GPS & GIS in a National Monitoring System for Accurate Range Assessment

Sustainable use of rangelands requires information on vegetation cover and its changes through time, condition trend and the effect of climate as well as management practices. The main objective of this research was showing variation of vegetation parameters,... H.P. Arzani, M.S. Azimi, S.D. kaboli, H.M. mirdavodi, M.M. Borhani, J.M. Abdollahi, M.D. farahpour

5. Monitoring Soybean Root Development under Till-System Management (TSM) at Dry-Farming Conditions

Root system development is very importance for highest soybean (Glycine max L.) grain yield, especially under arid and semiarid conditions. In order to tillage system management (TSM) for achieved to the optimum yield of soybean in dry-farming conditions... H. Aliabadi farahani, B. Sani

6. Use of Cluster Regression for Yield Prediction in Wine Grape

@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1;... L.E. Acosta, L.A. Jara, R.A. Ortega

7. Water And Nitrogen Use Efficiency Of Corn And Switchgrass On Claypan Soil Landscapes

Claypan soils cover a significant portion of Missouri and Illinois crop land, approximately 4 million ha. Claypan soils, characterized with a pronounced argilic horizon at or below the soil surface, can restrict nutrient availability and uptake, plant water storage, and water infiltration. These soil characteristics affect plant growth, with increasing depth of the topsoil above the claypan horizon having a strong positive correlation to grain crop production. In the case of low... A. Thompson, D.L. Boardman, N. Kitchen, E. Allphin

8. Agronomic Characteristics of Green Corn and Correlations with Productivity for the Establishment of Management Zones in Vale Do Ribeira, SP, Brazil

In Brazil, the progressive development in the cultivation of the corn for consumption in the green stadium stands by the relevant socio-economic role that this related to multiple applications, the attractive market price and continuous demand for the product in nature. Therefore, this study was to analyze the correlations and spatial variability of the productivity of the culture of the green corn in winter, in alluvial soil of the type Cambisols eutrophic in the amount areas and Hydromorphic... W.J. Souza, V.S. Akune, S.H. Benez, L.C. Citon, P.H. Nakazawa, A.J. Santana neto

9. Spatial Variability and Correlations Between Soil Attributes and Productivity of Green Corn Crop

In Brazil, the progressive development in the cultivation of the corn for consumption in the green stadium stands by the relevant socio-economic role that this related to multiple applications, the attractive market price and continuous demand for the product in nature. Therefore, this study was to analyze the correlations and spatial variability of the productivity of the culture of the green corn in winter, in alluvial soil of the type Cambisols eutrophic in the amount areas and Hydromorphic... W.J. Souza, S.H. Benez, P.H. Nakazawa, A.J. Santana neto, L.C. Citon, V.S. Akune

10. Joint Structure and Colour Based Parametric Classification of Grapevine Organs from Proximal Images Through Several Critical Phenological Stages

Proximal colour imaging is the most time and cost-effective automated technology to acquire high-resolution data describing accurately the trellising plane of grapevine. The available textural information is meaningful enough to provide altogether the assessment of additional agronomic parameters that are still estimated either manually or with dedicated and expensive instrumentations. This paper proposes a new framework for the classification of the different organs visible in the trellising... F.Y. Abdelghafour, R. Rosu, B. Keresztes, C. Germain, J. Da costa

11. A Pilot Study on Monitoring Drinking Behavior in Bucket Fed Dairy Calves Using an Ear-Attached Tri-Axial Accelerometer

Accelerometers support the farmer with collecting information about animal behavior and thus allow a reduction in visual observation time. The milk intake of calves fed by teat-buckets has not been monitored automatically on commercial farms so far, although it is crucial for the calves’ development. This pilot study was based on bucket-fed dairy calves and intended (1) to evaluate the technical feasibility of using an ear-attached accelerometer (SMARTBOW, Smartbow GmbH, Weibern, Austria)... L. Roland, L. Lidauer, G. Sattlecker, F. Kickinger, W. Auer, V. Sturm, D. Efrosinin, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger

12. Evaluation of an Ear Tag Based Accelerometer for Monitoring Rumination Time, Chewing Cycles and Rumination Bouts in Dairy Cows

The objective of this study was to evaluate the ear tag based accelerometer SMARTBOW (Smartbow, Weibern, Austria) for detecting rumination time, chewing cycles and rumination bouts in dairy cows. For this, the parameters were determined by analyses of video recordings as reference and compared with the results of the accelerometer system. Additionally, the intra- and inter-observer reliability as well as the agreement of direct cow observations and video recordings was tested. Ten Simmental cows... M. Iwersen, S. Reiter, V. Schweinzer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, L. Lidauer, W. Auer, M. Drillich, A. Berger

13. Ear-Attached Accelerometer as an On-Farm Device to Predict the Onset of Calving in Dairy Cows

The objective of this study on an ear-attached accelerometer in dairy cows was (1) to determine activity, rumination and lying time of the dams prior to calving, and include group level of measured variables (2) use the data to develop an algorithm to predict calving and (3) to test the performance of this algorithm. Video observations (24h/d) were used as reference for these events. Four weeks before expected calving, an ear-tag integrated tri-axial accelerometer (SMARTBOW system) was attached... S. Krieger, M. Oczak, L. Lidauer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, W. Auer, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger

14. Evaluation of the Ear-Tag Sensor System SMARTBOW for Detecting Estrus Events in Indoor Housed Dairy Cows

Livestock farming technologies have a tremendous potential to improve and support farmers in herd management decisions, in particular in reproductive management. Nowadays, estrus detection in cows is challenging and many detection tools are available. The company Smartbow (Weibern, Austria) developed a novel ear-tag sensor, which consists of a 3D-accelerometer that records head and ear movements of cows as basis for algorithm development and further analyses. Estrus detection by the SMARTBOW system... V. Schweinzer, L. Lidauer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, W. Auer, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger

15. Reverse Modelling of Yield-Influencing Soil Variables in Case of Few Soil Data

Our hypothesis was that simple models can be applied to predict yield by using only those yield data which spatially coincide with the soil data and the remaining yield data and the models can be used to test different sampling and interpolation approaches commonly applied in precision agriculture and to better predict soil variables at not observed locations. Three strategies for composite sample collection were compared in our study. Point samples were taken 1.) along lines within homogenous... I. Sisák, A. Benő, K. Szabó, M. Kocsis, J. Abonyi

16. Farm Soil Moisture Mapping Using Reflected GNSS SNR Data Onboard Low Level Flying Aircraft

Soil moisture/water content monitoring (spatial and temporal) is a critical component of farm management decision primarily for crop/plant growth and yield improvement, but also for optimization of practice such as tillage and field treatments. Satellite humidity probes do not deliver the relevant resolution for farming purposes. Ground moisture probes only provide punctual measurements and do not reflect the true spatial variability of soil moisture. Previous studies have demonstrated... L. Ameglio, J. Darrozes, J. Dreyer

17. Review of Developments in Airborne Geophysics and Geomatics to Map Variability of Soil Properties

Over the past 40 years, airborne geophysics and geomatics has become an effective and accepted technology for mapping various signatures on the Earth’s surface and sub-surface. But so far, its airborne application in agriculture is perceived as sub-practical and/or its real value unknown to most stakeholders. In this paper, we are reviewing major technical and commercial achievements and latest developments to date, but also potentials for new developments and applications, of airborne... L. Ameglio

18. Precision Irrigation Management Through Conjunctive Use of Treated Wastewater and Groundwater in Oman

Agriculture under arid environment is always become a challenge due to water scarcity and salinity problems.  With average rainfall of 100 mm, agriculture in Oman is limited due to the arid climate and limited arable lands. More than 50 percent of the arable lands are located in the 300 km northern coastal belt of Al-Batinah region. In addition, country is facing severe problem of sea water intrusion into the groundwater aquifers due to undisciplined excessive groundwater (GW) abstraction... H. Jayasuriya, A. Al-busaidi, M. Ahmed

19. Real Time Precision Irrigation with Variable Setpoint for Strawberry to Generate Water Savings

Water is a precious resource that is becoming increasingly scarce as the population grows and water resources are depleted in some locations or under increased control elsewhere, due to local availability or groundwater contamination issues. It obviously affects strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) production in populated areas and water cuts are being imposed to many strawberry growers to save water, with limited information on the impact on crop yield. Precision irrigation technologies are... J. Caron, L. Anderson, G. Sauvageau, L. Gendron

20. Gamma-ray Spectrometry to Determine Soil Properties for Soil Mapping in Precision Agriculture

Soil maps are critical for various land use applications and form the basis for the successful implementation of precision agriculture in crop production. Soil maps provide the spatial distribution of important soil physical and chemical properties to a farmer. The farmer uses this information to make critical management decisions for profitable and sustainable food production. South Africa is a water scarce country where rainfall is mainly seasonal and unreliable. Under these circumstances, knowing... J.G. Dreyer, L. Ameglio

21. Soil Variability Mapping with Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry and Magnetics

The knowledge of spatial distribution of agricultural soils physical and chemical properties is critical for profitable and sustainable crop and food production. The collection of soil data presents however obvious problems arising from sampling a dense, opaque and very heterogeneous medium. Conventional methods consisting of ground-based grid survey are laborious, expensive and lack appropriate spatial resolution to allow best farm management decision. Over the past 50 years, airborne geophysics... L. Ameglio, E. Stettler, D. Eberle

22. Knowledge-based Approach for Weed Detection Using RGB Imagery

A workflow was developed to explore the potential use of Phase One RGB for weed mapping in a herbicide efficacy trial in wheat. Images with spatial resolution of 0.8 mm were collected in July 2020 over an area of nearly 2000 square meters (66 plots). The study site was on a research farm at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Wheat was seeded on June 29, 2020, at a rate of 75 seeds per square meter with a row spacing of 30.5 cm. The weed species seeded in the trial were kochia, wild oat, wild... T. Ha, K. Aldridge, E. Johnson, S.J. Shirtliffe, S. Ryu

23. Establishment of a Canola Emergence Assessment Methodology Using Image-based Plant Count and Ground Cover Analysis

Manual assessment of emergence is a time-consuming practice that must occur within a short time-frame of the emergence stage in canola (Brassica napus). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) may allow for a more thorough assessment of canola emergence by covering a wider scope of the field and in a more timely manner than in-person evaluations. This research aims to calibrate the relationship between emerging plant population count and the ground cover. The field trial took place at the University... K. Krys, S. Shirtliffe, H. Duddu, T. Ha, A. Attanayake, E. Johnson, E. Andvaag, I. Stavness

24. Predicting Corn Emergence Uniformity with On-the-go Furrow Sensing Technology

Integration of proximal soil sensors into commercial row-crop planter components have allowed for a dense quantification of within-field soil spatial variability. These technologies have potential to guide real-time management decisions, such as on-the-go variable seeding rate or depth. However, little is known about the performance of these systems. Therefore, research was conducted in central Missouri, USA to determine the relationship between planter sensor metrics, and corn (Zea mays L.) ... L.S. Conway, C. Vong, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, S.H. Anderson