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Blackmer, T.M
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Blackmer, T.M
Kyveryga, P.M
Kyveryga, P.M
Blackmer, T.M
Kyveryga, P.M
Blackmer, T.M
Reeg, P.R
Blackmer, T.M
Kyveryga, P.M
Kyveryga, P.M
Blackmer, T.M
Pearson , R
Blackmer, T.M
Kyveryga, P.M
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Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Using Late-season Uncalibrated Digital Aerial Imagery For Predicting Corn Nitrogen Status Within Fields

Using uncalibrated digital aerial imagery (DAI) for diagnosing in-season nitrogen (N) deficiencies of corn (Zea mays L.) is challenging because of the dynamic nature of corn growth and the difficulty of obtaining timely imagery. Digital aerial imagery taken later during the growing season is more accurate in identifying areas deficient in N. Even so, the quantitative use of late-season DAI across many fields is still limited because the imagery is not truly calibrated. This study... P.M. Kyveryga, T.M. Blackmer, R. Pearson

2. A Systematic Approach For Using Precision Agriculture Tools For On-farm Evaluations In Iowa

 The competitive nature of modern agriculture requires constant refinements of many crop production management decisions. Precision agriculture tools (PAT) can allow growers to rapidly evaluate different management practices across large areas at a relatively low cost. But a systematic approach and a decision-making process describing how to utilize different PAT for on-farm evaluations have not been yet developed and adopted. This presentation will focus on how  approximately... T.M. Blackmer, P.M. Kyveryga

3. Precision Tools to Evaluate Alternative Weed Management Systems in Soybean

... T.M. Blackmer, P.M. Kyveryga

4. Site-Specific Evaluations of Nitrification Inhibitor with Fall Applications of Liquid Swine Manure

... P.M. Kyveryga, T.M. Blackmer

5. Digital Aerial Imagery Guides a Statewide Nutrient Management Benchmarking Survey

... P.M. Kyveryga, T.M. Blackmer

6. Precision Tools to Evaluate Benefits of Tile Drainage in a Corn and Soybean Rotation in Iowa

... P.R. Reeg, T.M. Blackmer, P.M. Kyveryga